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Here's a few derivative projects that use the SDBA server:

IM Broadcast - allows people to sign up to a list, and allows admin to blast out an IM message to people on that list. Originally intended for gaming clans, I found out from partynett.com that it has found some popularity in local Rave scenes in Scandanavia. Cool stuff.

RSS-IM Gateway - A simple derivative of the server that does one function - let's people access your RSS feed through an IM nick. Currently in final stages of huge buyout by Google for use with Blogger (as if).

SQL Admin - IM interface to any database you can access with ODBC. provides a nice little console to it that can cleverly get through firewalls and allow you to check your db stats from your cell phone.

Game Server Monitor - another IM gateway - this one uses qstat to check on the game server of your choice. Gives a summary, or lists all players.